Celebrate the joys of spring with a night of revelry at a historic ballroom in south London (4 minutes from a tube station).
Duncan Hemstock and Louise Messenger
There will be live jazz music from The Intercontinentals, a hot combo featuring Australian musicians Duncan Hemstock, Louise Messenger and Leigh Barker. When the band aren’t playing our DJs the Bee’s Knees will be spinning vintage vinyl. Presiding over proceedings will be our cabaret Host with the Most, Champagne Charlie.
There will be scintillating burlesque from international star Jolie Papillon.
Jolie Papillon
Elsewhere our tarot reader Lucius will be waiting to tell you what 2023 holds in store, while sketch artist Sophie Williams will be on hand to immortalise you in your Jazz Age finery.
Tarot reader Lucius
As a special treat, George Tudor-Hart of the Black Tie Ballroom Club has offered to host a 30-minute dance class in basic quickstep at the beginning of the evening from 7.20. This is free for all who would like to take part. The quickstep evolved in the 1920s from a combination of the foxtrot, Charleston, shag, peabody and one-step. It was developed for ragtime and jazz music, but George says it can be danced fast or slow.