Saturday 20th July
With live music from the Lucky Dog Dance Band, house band of the Lucky Dog Picturehouse, which screens silent movies with live musical accompaniment—as they would have been enjoyed back when they were first seen. The name comes from the Laurel and Hardy classic The Lucky Dog, and the band are inspired by the great dance bands of the late 1920s and early days of Hollywood.
The Lucky Dog Dance Band at their last Candlelight Club appearance
Running the show, singing some songs and keeping everyone in order will be that strict mistress of the Weimar cabaret, Eva Von Schnippisch, with vintage DJing from Baroness JoJo of the Bee’s Knees.
To celebrate the glamour of the star-studded era we’ll be projecting a selection of classic movies curated by the band, featuring silent stars such as Harold Lloyd, Anna Mae Wong and Buster Keaton.